Introducing Our Interview-Scheduling Tool, Easy Book

Lever understands the pain of interview scheduling for recruiters today. That’s why we’ve invested so heavily in building robust scheduling tools with native calendar integrations.

But we know there’s always room for improvement.

  • Today, we’re introducing a new addition to our best-in-class suite of scheduling tools: Easy Book.

Easy Book powers seamless self-scheduling for candidates, so recruiters can spend less time coordinating high-volume interviews and spend more time on strategic talent acquisition.

How Lever Easy Book helps recruiters and hiring managers improve their interview-scheduling efforts

Here’s a rundown of how our new Easy Book functionality helps talent acquisition teams.

Create and send an Easy Book link to prospects with ease.

Simply create an Easy Book link and insert it into an email to a candidate. You can customize options such as length of interview, interviewer(s), associated feedback form, availability range, link expiration, minimum scheduling notice, and more.

Job candidates can select their preferred interview time.

When a candidate clicks on the Easy Book link, they’ll be offered a range of available times, pulled directly from interviewer calendars (via your ESP, like Gmail).

Interviewers and candidates get interview confirmation.

Once a candidate selects an interview slot, the meeting is booked, and both parties will receive a calendar invite to confirm.

lever easy book interview scheduling

The streamlined process eliminates the ‘back-and-forth.’

Imagine if you could schedule an interview without ever looking at a calendar. No extra tabs, no painstakingly typing availability, no mental timezone math, and no lengthy back and forth trying to find a time that works for both parties.

With Easy Book, you don’t have to imagine. All you need to successfully schedule a 1:1 interview is one link and one email. Simply send an Easy Book link to your candidate and let them pick a time when your interviewer is available.

You also avoid possible interview-scheduling conflicts.

Schedules change and fill up quickly. When you’re scheduling dozens of interviews a week, it’s difficult to avoid scheduling conflicts and embarrassing double bookings.

With Easy Book, you don’t have to worry. It updates in real time to reflect an interviewer’s current availability, so candidates will only ever book a time their interviewer is free.  

All interview-scheduling info stays right inside Lever.

Many companies pay for standalone tools solely to address their scheduling pain. Why waste time duplicating work in multiple systems? Easy Book works seamlessly within Lever so you can manage 100% of your scheduling activity in one place.

Ultimately, you can meet with and assess prospects faster.

Moving fast is key to keeping talent engaged and getting offers out before the competition. Any days that pass while you’re trying to confirm an interview is valuable time you could spend  moving your promising candidate closer to hired.

By getting you out of your calendar and eliminating the back and forth, Easy Book makes initial reach outs easier and minimizes delays – helping you meet candidates and kick off the interview process as soon as possible.

Learn how Lever customer Voro uses Easy Book to streamline its recruitment process and more quickly and efficiently advance job candidates in its interview cycles.

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