Attracting Passive Candidates with Smarter Outreach
A recent Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development report found 44% of talent acquisition teams were recruiting passive candidates as a means to cope with a difficult labor market. Another 45% of TA orgs said they were planning to reach out to “passives” too. Fast-forward to today, and conditions are much the same they were…
Diversity in Tech: How Companies Are Closing the Gap
The benefits of a diverse workplace are well known, yet it’s no secret that the tech industry has had a long-standing, problematic relationship with diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Leadership roles continue to be dominated by homogenous teams lacking diverse backgrounds, and women are still underpaid and underrepresented. However, the impact of diversity in the…
The Recruitment Dashboard’s Role in Hiring Success
The era of data-driven recruiting is upon us. That means a recruitment dashboard — one that offers ample insights into ongoing talent acquisition activities — is now your team’s top asset. It’s not just talent professionals who know they need in-depth analytics to drive their daily and long-term decision-making, though. Hiring managers, people operations directors,…
Quality of Hire: An Important Recruiting Benchmark
For hiring and recruitment teams, the pressure has never been greater to attract top talent. A common downside of this pressure is it can lead to “mis-hiring”: Employing candidates who aren’t the right fit in order to meet hiring quotas and, in turn, contribute to a poor overall quality of hire. At a macro level,…
How to Speed Up Time to Fill (and Accelerate Hiring)
Talent sourcing and hiring the right candidates is hard enough. Doing so speedily — and, thereby, realizing a quick time to fill — simply adds yet another layer of complexity to talent acquisition specialists’ work. Time to fill refers to the total number of calendar days to fill a position (i.e., from when a requisition…
How The Great Resignation Led to Boomerang Employees
The Great Resignation made headlines amid the global pandemic. Today, it‘s starting to slow down, but continues to affect organizations across industries. If your business, like countless others, are still looking for qualified candidates to fill critical roles company-wide, you’ll certainly have no shortage of applicants. However, the sheer volume of active candidates on the…